- Friends Of Mrs. Paula's Preschool -


" Circle round that has no end . . . . . . that's how long we all want to be friends " !

These adorable munchkins were so excited for "picture day"! { I was too, I must say ! } We started the morning off at circle time...talking about what a photographer was and the tools we use to take photographs, along with how these tools work! Everyone was so fascinated and very excited to see all this "picture day" talk unfold. With everyone ready and dressed in such cute outfits, { great job parents ;) } we got started! I was so proud of them...they all did so well and in no time we were all done. It was a fun morning with you all! Thank you "little friends" for sharing all your wonderful stories...full of imagination and adventures...and also for teaching me a thing or two! ;)

Things I learned at Mrs. Paula's Preschool:
1. There is a "real" Cowboy at this school and did you know he has a horse named "Rope"!
2. Those aren't "pig tails" in that adorable little girls hair! Those are called "elephant ears"!
3. The "best" place to catch frog's at Mrs. Paula's Preschool is....under her drain grids!
Apparently there is always at least one!

"Little friends" I can't wait to come back and visit again soon! Thanks for welcoming me into your class!


Hillary said...

Adorable! Great work Carmen!

Anonymous said...

Oh My! These are adorable! When I saw Cooper's pictures they brought happy tears to my eyes! Thank You Carmen!
Polly Schumacher