- Our Beach Boy -

So better late, then never...is what I always say! ;) Even with the best intentions to...I can never seem to take any of our kiddos birthday pictures, actually, before their birthday! So, this means that by the time I take them and get them up on the blog it's been a month or two! :/ For Anthony's 8th...{ oh my gosh...where has the time gone?!?! }..."yes", I said 8th birthday pictures this year, the late timing worked out perfect! We had a family trip planned, for Hawaii, right after his birthday and right now he is totally into the beach-surfing thing, so he couldn't have been happier and have asked for a better place, for his pictures! I don't think he would have been getting into the ocean in the Fall...in California! Here are just a few pic's of Anthony in Hawaii...

He just couldn't wait to get out of his button-up shirt and into the sand and water! :)

I couldn't resist posting this pic too! This was the sunset the last night we where there!

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